Szatmár Region Round Trip

6 June, 2024
group picture at the Vay Castle

The International Relations Office of the University of Nyíregyháza regards the integration of international students and the promotion of the Hungarian language, traditions and history as a major responsibility.

On June 5, 2024, the international students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the Szatmár region of our county in the framework of a round trip. The tour was led by Dr. Kálmán Kiss, professor of Hungarian as a foreign language, who is a responsible for the Hungarian as a Foreign Language non-degree program. The first stop of the group was the Vay Castle in Vaja, where the guests were greeted by the sound of the tárogató, a traditional Hungarian instrument. In Mátészalka, the students admired the collection of carriages in the Szatmár Museum and toured the memorial house of Tony Curtis, who has local ties.

The participants enjoyed a hearty lunch at the Luby Castle in Nagyar and then laid a flower wreath at the Petőfi Tree. The day ended with a visit to the water mill in Túristvánd and the medieval Reformed church in Sonkád, but they also could not miss a visit to the Zsigmond Móricz Memorial House. The group returned home pleasantly tired, but full of experiences and memories.