12 December, 2022

The International Students of the Stipendium Hungaricum program visited Hungary's capital city Budapest on December 12, 2022. The tour was guided in English language. The main attractions for the students were the Parliament building, the Buda castle, St. Matthias Church, and the Christmas market near the Basilica. 


23 November, 2022

Congratulations to our student Vinh Nguyên Dúc who have been awarded an Excellence Student Award!


25 August, 2022

We welcome our first student from the United States of America (Michigan). Ákos, who has Hungarian roots, will start his studies at the University of Nyíregyháza in September. His field of interests consists of visual representation, digital drawing, painting, and many more artistic fields. International Relations Office has warmly welcomed Ákos's family and has provided a self-guided tour of the Campus.

23 May, 2022

On May 21, 2022, our university's lecturer, Dr. Kálmán Kiss organized an excursion for his students, the foreign students of one-year Hungarian as a Foreign Language preparatory programme. The visit to Szatmár started in Nagyar, where they first visited the Luby Castle and its park, then attended the opening of the Shepherd Festival, learned about ethnographic traditions, and obviously practiced the Hungarian language.